Apr 28, 2006
Apr 25, 2006
Save YouTube, etc. Videos
I was trying to figure out how to convert .flv to .MPEG so I could watch in the WMP
but I gave up.
Apr 20, 2006
FYI: Time 100 Dinner
Your boy Jay-Z, I do believe, is a part of Time Magazine's 100's Most Influential People of 2006 list. They allowed the readers to vote this year (I think it's over now)...The clip mentioned he's invited to Time 100's Movers & Shakers Dinner on May 8 (along with some other FAMOUS, HISTORIC people).
I did upload it on youtube (it's processing) but y'all know they don't love me lol...So I don't know if it's gonna work :(
Apr 12, 2006
VMA Red Carpet Interview
2003 VMA's...He didn't walk down the red carpet but MTV caught him at a different entrance and talked to him for a minute before the show started
DoWnLoAd HeRe
Apr 11, 2006
Me and Jigga
[ME]kianicole:Which artist are you most excited about on Def Jam?
Jay-Z:That wouldn't be fair! But I guess Rick Ross because of his major buzz on the streets. But there's too many to really name.
[ME]kianicole:What's your favorite city to perform in besides your hometown NY?
Jay-Z:It's between Philly and Virginia.
[ME]kianicole: What's one thing people would be suprised to know about you?
Jay-Z: I'm really short. LOL. That was a joke. I'm not really short. My attempt at humor. I'm 6'2. Ok guys. I'll see you next month. Some of your questions were better than the ones I get from magazine writers. I enjoy chatting with y'all. HOLLA AT YA BOY!
Jay-Z calls in to 106&Park
Jay-Z @ 2003 Vibe Awards
Apr 8, 2006
Jay-Z and Mary J. Blige
Mary and Jay-Z rehearse with the band.
Apr 4, 2006
Clips on MTV
Apr 3, 2006
RIP YouTube Account
LOL I knew this was gonna happen...But I still feel like saying FUG them...For some reason I feel somebody turned me in ...It's a thousand damn wrongfully uploaded files on that site, & people that have upped hundreds of music videos on there, but my stuff goes before theirs The only reason I really upped stuff on there was to make it easier for people on here cause it takes a while to download some files! But all of my vid's are on backup It might be a while before I get around to replacing some of the yt links on this site...So if you want to download something that's dead or not working just ask for it...Peace!
*Off to work on my speech*